Social media platforms such as Twitter and Facebook enable the creation of virtual customer environments (VCEs) where online communities of interest form around specific firms, brands, or products. While these platforms can be used to deliver familiar e-commerce applications, when firms fail to fully engage their customers, they also fail to fully exploit the capabilities of social media platforms. To gain business value, organizations need to incorporate community building as part of the implementation of social media.
INTRODUCTION Digital transformation may be explained as the renovation of organizational and business process, activities, models and competencies to be able to fully leverage and capitalize on opportunities and avenues provided by a mix of digital technologies. In this document, two articles are summarised, and an effort is made to shed more light on Data Driven Decision making (DDD) and on the importance of strategy in digital transformation which comes from the insights obtained from the articles.
Core Functions of Marketing According to Daumas (1962, p.1)1 technology is the "...methods man has discovered and utilized to improve the conditions of his existence." Some of the techniques that affect our day to day life are: production technique (e.g., industrial machinery), sustenance technique (e.g., agriculture), transportation technique (e.g., automobiles), measurement technique (e.g., clocks).
Marketing at a very broad level deals with three kinds of primary functions:
Production: Production of goods and services is primary function of marketing.
R Markdown This is an R Markdown document. Markdown is a simple formatting syntax for authoring HTML, PDF, and MS Word documents. For more details on using R Markdown see
You can embed an R code chunk like this:
summary(cars) ## speed dist ## Min. : 4.0 Min. : 2.00 ## 1st Qu.:12.0 1st Qu.: 26.00 ## Median :15.0 Median : 36.00 ## Mean :15.4 Mean : 42.98 ## 3rd Qu.
Introduction This tutorial will show you how to create a simple theme in Hugo. I assume that you are familiar with HTML, the bash command line, and that you are comfortable using Markdown to format content. I’ll explain how Hugo uses templates and how you can organize your templates to create a theme. I won’t cover using CSS to style your theme.
We’ll start with creating a new site with a very basic template.